General rules of participation SIMAPRO 2020

The full version of the “General Rules of Participation” is available to anyone interested.


In the present General Rules of Participation, the terms “Event” refer to the SIMAPRO 2020. The term “partner” or “company” includes anyone who participates in SIMAPRO. The terms “Organizer” or “Organization” appoint Planner Exhibitions (unique organizer of the Event). The term “Place” refers to the venue where the event takes place.


All entities or individuals requesting their participation as Partner at SIMAPRO 2020, in the Event that is celebrated in Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I, accept the present general conditions that form a part of the exhibition contract.


  • Who may participate. All companies, institutions and bodies whose activities form part of the sector that makes up the subject of demonstration may participate. The Organizers reserve the possibility of excluding any party that might be the cause of unfair competition or any other infraction of established rights, any individual who sub-lets or transfers the use of the space reserved (or part thereof) to a third party. The exhibitors, on signing the contract, accept these conditions, and the rules and regulations set out by the event organizers.
  • Formalization of the contract. . The signing of the participation contract will be made through an electronic form that PLANNER EXHIBITIONS has enabled for this purpose. In order for the considerations established in the contract to be put into effect, the partner must have paid the initial amount established in the section amount of contracting the contract form. Companies that maintain outstanding balances from previous events can not participate. Likewise, in case the partner does not comply with the payments on the established dates, he will lose the right to participate and the return of the amounts paid up to that moment. If the entire participation amount has not been paid by the partner before the start of the event, your participation permit may be denied.
  • Method of payment. The payment of the participation will be made in euros, by check or bank transfer according to the schedule indicated in the Form of participation. Payment is to be made to Planner Exhibitions. Castelló 64, 28001. Madrid. Spain.
  • Choice of space in the networking area. In the Event that the participation contract includes as consideration a space in the networking area, the choice thereof will be subject to availability and will be carried out by a strict order of formalization of said participation contract.

In any case, PLANNER EXHIBITIONS reserves the right to reserve spaces for institutions, associations, promotional areas, guest country or others.

  • Subleasing or transferring a space. It is strictly prohibited to transfer or sublease a space to any company other than that which is specifically mentioned in the previous point.
  • Prices and conditions. The prices and conditions will be those that are specified on the space booking form.
  • Additional services. Reserving a space only gives the right to the use of the space that has been contracted. Through the Planner Exhibitions Exhibitor Service Department, the exhibitor may request those services deemed necessary. The complete details of these services are outlined in the “Range of Exhibitor Services”, which will be sent out to each exhibitor once a space booking has been completed.
  • Exhibitor badges. Staff of the exhibiting companies must be duly accredited to access the fair. The application for accreditation will take place as stipulated in the “Range of Exhibitor Services”.
  • Invitations. The Organization shall make available to exhibitors printed or electronic invitations to visit the fair. Such a request will be held as stipulated in “Range of Exhibitor Services”.
  • Cancellation due to force majeure. In the event of the trade fair not being able to take place as a result of force majeure, the organizers are exempt from any responsibility, and will not be responsible for the payment of any kind of compensation. However, the Partners will be returned the full sum of any money paid by them.


The resignation of the partner to participate in the Event is grounds for termination of the contractual relationship between the Organizer and the partner, for all purposes and with loss of the amounts resulting from the Organizer at the time in which it is communicated. The resignation must be made expressly, in writing to the Organization of the event. If the resignation takes place in the thirty days prior to the opening of the event, the organizer may require the partner to pay in full the amount of the participation modality contracted.


The exhibitor agrees to expose, offer or commercialize exclusively products and services that fully comply with the legal regulations applicable to them.


The Event has its own security and surveillance service. The Organizers will undertake surveillance in the exhibition areas, but will not be responsible for the materials and objects that are put in each corporate desk, or for any damage that may be caused to objects, samples, assembly or presentation material, either before, during, or after the Event has taken place.

In no case may the Partner request responsibility organization for loss or damage to the material and objects that are in the booth, any that are alleged.

During the assembly period the service aisles must be kept clear. The Organizers’ cleaning service will be able to take away any objects that are located in the communal areas once the assembly period has come to an end.

Companies with own free-design stands must ensure that the company engaged to undertake their dismantling undertake the primary cleaning of the stand.

Partners are advised to take away any valuable materials at the beginning of dismantling. The organizers will not take any responsibility for any material that is lost or destroyed during the dismantling period.


  • Schedule of celebration. 11 and 12, November from 08.30 to 18.30 and 13 November, 2020, from 08:30 to 14:00.
  • Assembly schedule. 10 November, from 8:30 to 21:30. The partner can access from 18.00.
  • Dismantling schedule. 13 November, 2020, from 15:00 to 21:30.


  • Timetable. For entry/exit of materials, objects and decoration material, the Partner must comply with Assembly and Dismantling timetable established by the Organizer. Outside these hours, they must obtain a permission from the Organizer.
  • Material not removed. Any material, object or product that remains once Dismantling is finished will be removed by the organizer. The exhibitor is obliged to pay the costs of such withdrawal.

Art. 17.- S.G.A.E.

The Partner must respect the current legislation regarding the use of works of intellectual property and should provide Planner Exhibitions with a copy of the corresponding authorizations and a receipt for the payment of any rights, before the event takes place. The above procedures should be carried out at the SGAE General Delegation ( Any legal action resultant from a failure to obtain said authorization will be forwarded by Planner Exhibitions to the sanctioned Partner.


This contract and all matters arising from or connected with it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish Law. In the event of any incidence or conflict that might occur and which is not covered by the General Rules of Participation, the Civil and Commercial Code and the authority of the Madrid Courts of Justice will be called upon.




Planner Exhibitions aims to contribute to the professionalization and transparency at the Real Estate sector, unavoidable requirements for the necessary improvement of its image with consumers and the public opinion in general. Related to this item, Planner Exhibitions, promoter and organizer of the fair, has created the CODE OF GOOD PRACTICES, which all the Partners may be agree with by signing the fair participation´s contract.


This Code is articulated around the following five areas related to the participation of any entity as Partners of the fair:

  • Adequacy of the offer that is presented at the fair to the applicable legal regulations.
  • Communication and information related to their presence at the fair.
  • Attention to the professionals attend.
  • Relationship with the rest of the Partners at the Event.
  • Claim Management.


3.1.  Adequacy of the offer that is presented at the fair to the applicable legal regulations

SIMAPRO Partners will be committed to presenting products or services in its stand that fulfill all the applicable legal regulations.

3.2.  Communication and information related to their presence at the Event

Any communication related to the participation at the Event, as any printed information that the exhibitor provide at its stand, may respect the following principles:

  • Being respectful
  • Being truthful
  • Being adjusted, avoiding artificially exaggerating the attributes or characteristics of the company or of the products or services presented at the Event.
  • Being transparent, not hidding any relevant information to the decision-making of a potential client.

3.3.  Relationship with others professionals attend

The relationship with the professionals visitors may be adjusted to the following criteria:

  • The Partner company will ensure that the staff in charge of informing the visitors at the stand has the professional training necessary to perform this work correctly.
  • Ethic exercise. The exhibiting company will ensure that the staff performs its function with integrity, and respecting the information provided to visitors under the same principles set out in section 3.2 above.
  • Law enforcement: The exhibiting Company will ensure that the staff of the stand performs its function complying with applicable legal regulations in the relationship with its visitors, especially regarding consumer protection, prevention of money laundering and personal data protection.

3.4. Relationship with other Partners at SIMAPRO.

The exhibiting company will act with the utmost respect with the rest of the Partners, refraining from publicly expressing criticisms or opinions that could undermine the image of other participating companies or institutions.

During the celebration of the Event they will use promotional tools that not harm other exhibitors and avoid any kind of practices that could be considered as unfair competition.

3.5. Claim Management

The Partner company undertakes to process any claims that may arise as a result of its participation in the fair and give a response in the shortest possible time.