#FridayFunday: the customer experience
31 May 2019
Few products have such a long-term impact on their buyer’s life as housing, and few experiences produce more excitement than a brand new home. However, the purchase process is often described as complicated, anguishing and even frustrating. Are we really placing the customer at the center of the business?
Simultaneous translation between Spanish and English will be available.
Friday 31 May
09:15 Accreditation
Exposición: Accreditation.
09:45 Opening
Opening. Pedro Llamas. COMICO, EL CLUB DE LA COMEDIA10:00 Let’s start from the beginning: the customer in the center of the business
Exposición: Let’s start from the beginning: the customer in the center of the business.
10:20 From ownership to usership
Exposición: From ownership to usership.
10:40 Touch points: here is where we risk everything (or if we fail we screw up)
Exposición: Touch points: here is where we risk everything (or if we fail we screw up).
11:00 Transparency + honesty + professionalism + responsibility = trust = reputation
- Ana Ramos. Head of Marketing, Innovation & Communication, BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE
- Carmen Dato. Head of Corporate Reputation, IPSOS
Exposición: Transparency + honesty + professionalism + responsibility = trust = reputation.
11:30 The long way home
Exposición: The long way home.
11:50 Coffee break
Coffee break.12:20 I algorithm, you algorithms… everyone algorithms
Exposición: I algorithm, you algorithms… everyone algorithms.
12:40 Digital and other issues. Rethinking the way to spread the message
Exposición: Digital and other issues. Rethinking the way to spread the message.
13:00 Fascinate the customer: The Porsche case
Exposición: Fascinate the customer: The Porsche case.
13:20 There’s no rest for the weary: the hyperinnovation syndrome
Exposición: There’s no rest for the weary: the hyperinnovation syndrome.
13:40 Innovation bonus track: The future of the CX
Exposición: Innovation bonus track: The future of the CX.
14:00 End of the day
Exposición: End of the day.
*This program is provisional and it is subject to change